A Swim Workout to Beat the Boredom of the Pool

April 8th, 2013 by Katie Whidden USAT certified coach

With the lakes finally starting to thaw, we are weeks behind last season in getting out in that open water to prepare for our first triathlon. For most of us, this means more time staring at lines at the bottom of the pool. A good way to spice up your pool time is to mix up your workouts and try some new ones. Here is one of my favorites. Try to incorporate some of the drills you know for stroke correction right after the warm-up and before the main set.

We call this workout the “BELCO 500”


Warm Up: 200 swim, 100 kick, 150 pull

Drills: 200 of drills of your choice

Main Set: Do this set once for a beginner, 2-3 if intermediate and 4-6 for advanced triathletes.

Swim 500 broken down as follows:

1. Swim 100 where the 4th 25 is a sprint
2. Swim 100 where the 3rd 25 is a sprint
3. Swim 100 where the 2nd 25 is a sprint
4. Swim 100 where the 1st 25 is a sprint
5. Swim all out, 100 yards

Rest 30 seconds before starting the next set of 500

10X25 All out kick w/15s rest

Cool Down: 200 swim easy