What did you change?
I made a lifestyle change of what I eat and made it part of my regular routine to exercise. I try to eliminate processed food as much as I can. The majority of my diet is natural foods which consist of vegetables, fruit and lean meats. I don’t deprive myself from foods I love, but I use moderation. I am conscious of what I eat to feed my body the nutrition it needs.
Total pounds lost?
I reached my first weight loss goal of 65 pounds and I would like to reach my “ultimate” weight loss goal of 75 pounds. Although, I am comfortable and happy with my weight today.
Favorite form of exercise?
Strength training – I love going to the gym and having the workout my coach planned for me for the day on the whiteboard to follow. The plan is developed to my ability and challenges me to continue improving. All the trainers encourage me to keep the correct form, push me to keep going, and always encouraging me with positive feedback. They educate me on strength training and nutrition. They are always approachable to answer any questions and explain what the positive impact of the exercise is doing for my body.
Advice to others?
You have to decide you finally want to make the change for yourself. You have to be committed and dedicated to make it a lifestyle change to be healthy and fit. Stay motivated by getting into a routine and “no more excuses.” Once you get in the routine and begin to see the results in your body, your energy and how you feel overall it will keep you motivated.
What motivated you to keep going?
The support system of “everyone” at the gym. The staff takes interest in you as a person and achieving your fitness goals. The results I saw in my body with the muscle I gained, the definition, the strength, the endurance and the energy I have.
Besides the weight loss what other positive changes have you noticed?
My emotional being, I have a more positive outlook and attitude on how I view things about myself and life in general. I am conscientious about what I am putting into my body and staying active to maintain my goals that I have achieved.