–By Tammy Shuler
Boston marathon, marathon Monday. The day that has been looked forward to since the qualifying race you ran the year before. So many months of training, so much money spent on shoes, travel, hotels and hours spent training. This year’s Boston marathon was no different. Thousands of runners meet in a small New England town, Hopkinton, arriving by bus, train or car. Many standing out in the elements for hours waiting for the late morning start. The weather can play a big role in your marathon result. This year’s weather was great for spectators, but not so good for a northern person. It was in the high 60′s, humidity 85% with a tailwind predicted (sounded great).
I was excited to be there, smiling ear to ear. Cheering on the people in the wave before me as they started their race. My wave started and all was well, but soon the heat began to take its toll. My feet were hot, I started cramping about mile 12, even though I was following my hydration plan. The tail wind offered no cooling effect. I was not alone in this cramping issue as the med tents were packed even at mile 8 and people were walking. One person I came upon was attempting the race on crutches. Another had a walking boot on. I myself had just gotten over pneumonia weeks before and my friend had a hamstring injury, but we showed up for that start and made it to the finish.
The crowds were amazing, packed, screaming, cheering us on. The more you smiled the more they cheered. So that’s what I did. And it made a very hard race bearable. We would not be denied our finish and that coveted Boston marathon medal.I came upon Karen Smires a pro triathlete and I met Molly Huddle an Olympian. So my advise is if you are having a hard time, look to the crowd and…
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